Green Epoxy table (Available)

This is a heavy table. Made with reclaimed barn wood and a set of green industrial legs. Very cool table and it is currently available at Second Stories @secondstories in McCordsville, In. Price: $200

Farm style side table: (SOLD)

This is a commission build for a esthetician. This was made from reclaimed barn wood that I pulled from a property in Central Indiana. This was a great build. If you would like something like this feel free to email me at




Fence Post Bench: (SOLD)

Fence post were pulled from a farmhouse in central Indiana. The arm ends are from the support 2x6s that held up floor beams. I am reusing old iron as accent pieces and legs to give a unique feel.

This makes a beautiful outdoor accent piece for the porch or garden area. If you are interested in something like this please let me know.

farmpost bence.jpeg

Simple Entertainment table: (SOLD)

Reclaimed 1890’s beam and board. This was a great build. I will always love the wood/industrial look.

The reclaimed wood in the project came from a barn south of Muncie, In. The first time I stepped into this barn I knew I would find some great stuff. This barn was left untouched for many years and pretty much left preserved. The Indiana weather and time definitely left its mark on lumber. Felt blessed to bring some of the material back to life.
